It’s been a rough weekend.
When I think about it, it’s just been a busy weekend that wasn’t much of a weekend. I had a work commitment from 9-3 on Saturday then went straight to church then stayed for a Social Justice committee meeting. All of this was great and would have been fine except that my husband, who rarely gets sick, was ill, and even sick, had to take my son to Tae Kwon Do practice and my daughter to a birthday party. By the time I got home, he was down for the count, leaving me to do his usual chores (dog walk, dishes) in addition to my chores (folding laundry) and, of course, because I saw my brother’s post about doing his taxes, I realized that I should probably get my own done.
Sunday was a little better, but with my husband still sick, I shuttled my son to Chinese school, took my daughter to Target, took care of all 3 meals and 2 dog walks, made sure to confirm interviews for a research study this week and student teaching appointments, had a long talk with my son about an inappropriate comment at dinner, and finally settled in to finished our taxes, which, not completely unexpectedly, show that we owe the government quite a bit more than last year because of changes to the tax laws. Sigh.
I still cannot run as my hip flexor area continues to bother me up and down stairs and when I walk too fast or put too much weight on it. I suspect that I have bursitis, but am hoping rest will help me to avoid a cortisone shot to relieve the pain. In the meantime, I’m still half limping around and not getting the exercise I so badly need.
I haven’t been blogging much either and I’ve been spending a lot of spare moments lurking on social media.
I know all of these are yellow flags — signaling a warning that I’m overcommitted, overwhelmed, and looking for mindless escape. The yellow flags remind me that, in spite of not having very many breaks in my schedule all week, despite it being Valentine’s Day week, Nate’s 13th birthday week, and Gospel Fest on Saturday, I need to create some space for rest and reflection, again, even if the words aren’t so profound.
So, as I planned my week this week, I have one goal: Take better care of myself. I need to check in, take the time that I need, eat better, sleep better, breathe. Go slow to go fast. Access those resources on letting go that my friend reminded me about. Focus, pray, breathe, eat, rest, let go.
Take good care.