The semester isn’t quite over yet. Grading remains. Observations remain. Final meetings remain. In fact, even when the semester is over, it won’t be over for me because I have overlapping Spring & Fall semester student teachers… But, classes are over and that means it’s time for my final reflection. 12 hours ago, I was […]
Month: December 2019
All the things right now
This has been quite the last 48 hours. (FYI: This is a long post and messy because I’m thinking through all the things) I didn’t study for my Chinese final. I did prepare the written essay portion because I knew what the essay topic would be, but honestly, I had a pretty weak grasp of […]
Space: The Final Frontier?
I’m not actually talking about that space…. It’s 9:15 am and I’m at the Literacy Research Association (#LRA19) annual conference. My roommate is out at breakfast, I’ve finished some grading I chose to do instead of rushing to an 8:30 session and now I have a moment to think…about space. First, I think about this […]