This is a Vent Post

A cellphone screen with an angry face

Listen, I am an incredibly loving person.

I don’t think this is a secret.

I am someone who stands with and for people and who loves with my whole heart.

I am someone who believes in people’s humanity, and humanizes those who are unkind to me.

I am also someone who has always been strategic, and who is careful not to put others in danger.

As an Asian American woman, when to speak, stay silent, reach out, stay back, is always something I carefully consider. Safety is always something I am acutely aware of.

Today, I received a very hurtful e-mail from someone who clearly doesn’t know any of this. But someone who should know better, if the person bothered to spend any time getting to know who I really am. This person accused me of not caring (when I reached out to them) or of doing too little too late, which is the ULTIMATE of ironies given who this person is and their relationship to me.

[Sorry for the vague-posting even on my blog, but I will not name this person even though they have continually, throughout my life, not shown up for me]

I am super angry.

I will not be disrespected.

I said as much, directly, to this person, with no reservations.

I spoke the truth in love, as I have throughout every adult interaction I’ve had with this person.

But honestly, this gets old.

Today, it was this person, but it has happened to me by people, in my professional and personal lives, for YEARS.

So, do not mistake my gentleness and my love for meekness that gives you permission to treat me like I am not enough.

I make mistakes.

I own them.

I am imperfect.

But I am enough.

Literally, do not get it twisted.

I will keep fighting, standing, loving.

I will not be silenced or shamed.

That’s it. That’s the post. You can keep your attempts at guilt for someone else. I owe you nothing.

I am my mother’s daughter.

I am the wisdom of my ancestors.

I am the love of my community.

I am enough.

2 thoughts on “This is a Vent Post

  1. YES, my friend, YOU certainly ARE enough … and far more!!! THANK YOU for being YOU. GREAT JOB standing up for yourself!!! WE LOVE YOU… speaking on behalf of The World!!! 🥰

  2. I appreciate this so much because writing is truth, and resistance, and catharsis. I adore you from afar, Bettina. Speak on it. Xox, Nawal

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