Because Writing Heals

Photograph of the corner of a table with a person's hands poised to write in a journal

I keep saying this, but thank you all for loving me.

Every day, in this season of abundant grief, stress, and exhaustion, I come back to two things: writing and the love of my community.

Every day, in these past few days, someone will text or dm or e-mail or leave a comment on a tweet or post, to remind me that I am not alone.

Every day, those in my innermost circle are reminding me to care for myself, to drink, to eat, to rest, to move things off my calendar, to honor my humanity.

Every little thing helps.

Yesterday was SUPER hard. I was in a lot of physical pain induced by the stress of the situations of which I cannot speak. Today has been incredibly stressful as well as I am waiting for updates that have not appeared.

There have been meetings I could not cancel, but I have brought my humanity to them, and it has opened up space to lead in spite of my suffering.

There have been meeting I have been able to cancel, but which I wouldn’t have without pinky promises and the insistence of those who love me.

And I have found solace in sleep which my body has needed so desperately to heal.

I wish I could give you more concrete ways to help because I know that so many want to do more than they feel like they are doing.

Those may come another day, but not today.

Today, there is exhaustion, and gratitude, and the need for you to continue to take just a moment to remember me and my family in your thoughts, prayers and words.

Today, there is a wish that you might take opportunities to show grace to those around you and to contribute to those in your community.

Today, there is respite in writing, in knowing that I did not do all the things, but doing any of the things is enough.

Every little thing helps.

Someday, I may meet you, and in that moment, even if I do not recognize you, I hope that you will know that you’ve made a difference for me profoundly in this moment.

Someday, if we already know one another, we will see one another again, and in that moment, even if there are not words to express it, I hope you will feel my gratitude that you held me up during this time.

Someday, things will be different, hopefully better, and I will be able to find more than solace and respite, but peace and joy.

Thank you for loving me. Thank you for standing with me (and my family) in this moment. Until we reach that better time.

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