I am learning to be patient with myself. In the process of transition, I find myself making many mistakes out of haste. Costly mistakes that I literally catch minutes (maybe even seconds) after I’ve already committed money to them, which then leads me to invest more time, energy and money to redo/ undo them. When […]
Tag: Reflection
This picture of my dog sleeping is emblematic of my exhaustion over the past few days and weeks. But/and, this picture is also a metaphor for the comfort I’ve found being in my new home — that even amidst the boxes and chaos of adjusting to a new era of my life and new circumstances, […]
The End of an Era
It is nearly time to say goodbye to the first house that I thought might be my forever home. My daughter said to me on the walk to summer camp this morning, “I’m going to miss this house. It’s the only house I’ve ever known.” She’s repeated these words at least twice today. It is […]
Moving Parts, Moving Whole
It has been a destabilizing time. This last year has been a navigation between multiple places and spaces, made more complex by a parallel journey towards greater humanity in a world that seems to be moving (in so many ways) towards dehumanization. It has been a tiring time. I find myself this week packing up […]
All the Feels
It’s been an exhausting two weeks away from my family, traveling for work. There have been many moments when I have questioned personal and professional choices, when I’ve been disappointed by people, and when I’ve wondered if I should just curl up for a long winter’s nap (I know it’s spring), do (and worry) less, […]
I am hanging in there, Friends. As I move through this period of transition for myself and my family, I am so present to the immense privilege of my life. I do what I love. I am deeply loved and held by family and community. I am safe. I no longer have to worry about […]
It’s Not You…But Actually It Kinda Is (Breaking Up with X)
I remember when I first joined Twitter. It was late 2012 and I was attending the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) conference in Las Vegas. Meenoo Rami had a pop-up booth where they were demonstrating uses of Twitter in the English classroom. I had just transitioned from the secondary teaching world into academia […]
Mothering Moments
February is an emotional month. This February, particularly, it has been a metaphorical roller coaster, because of an actual roller coaster (model that my son and his physics group had to design for his physics class) and because, well my son turns 18 today. I birthed an adult. This morning, I shed some tears when […]
Legacies of love
29 years ago, my mother died unexpectedly in a car accident. A year ago, I was interviewing for a job that would be a significant turning point in my academic career and bring enormous change to my personal life. Although the moments where I can recollect my mother’s physical touch and even her voice become […]
I am in a long period of transition. It is extremely taxing and exhausting. I think this is because this transition is transformational, pushing myself beyond who I know myself to be, which in turn forces me to reckon with all that I have been. In that “all I have been” space are many moments […]