Twas the Night Before School Starts… (A Poem)

‘Twas the night before school starts

And all through my mind

Was a voice that kept saying,

“Relax, you’ll be fine”

Then came another saying,

“What about this?”

I began to fret

About things I had missed

Would my lesson be perfect?

Would they like me okay?

Would there be far too many…

Or would I scare them away?

Then through the din and all of the chatter

I began to refocus on the things that most mattered

Community building

Shared goals galore

Young, bright open minds

Who could ask for much more?

Upon my face, a spontaneous smile

At the weeks to come and the work in piles

Representing reflection, coveted growth

Representing those things that mattered the most

I summed up my courage and bid summer adieu

To return to my calling, to learning anew

So welcome dear students

My partners you are

On this wondrous adventure

To reach for the stars.

4 thoughts on “Twas the Night Before School Starts… (A Poem)

  1. “so welcome dear students
    my partners you are”

    Indeed, the heart of every successful classroom is a learning partnership. It starts with a mindset.

    Written with compassion for the busy teacher and reverence for the magic of the learning process we are privileged to partake of daily. It is the very light that draws us to our “calling” as you aptly write, each year wiser, each year willing to embark on a quest for the stars….together.

    I loved it your beautiful poem and shared it on twitter.

    • Thank you so much, Deborah! We are so fortunate to be in partnership with our students, ever teaching and learning 🙂

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