It’s Mother’s Day.
It’s my 27th Mother’s Day without my mother.
It’s my 17th Mother’s Day as a mother, my 16th as a biological mother.
7 years ago on this day, I was on the eve of having my youngest child.
Today, there is much joy.
And I am on the edge of tears.
It’s complicated.
Life is complicated.
Motherhood is complicated.
Mothering is complicated.
Relationships with our mothers and our children can be complicated.
There can much joy alongside many tears.
Today, I’m okay, but there may be moments where I’m not, and that’s okay too.
I’m working on making space for it all.
It’s Mother’s Day.
For almost 2/3rd of my life, it has been complicated.
I am grateful for the journey as it is.
And I wish so many things had been different.
I’m working on making space for it all.
(Happy) Mother’s Day.